Saturday, 12 November 2011

Having chose the Heinz brief from YCN I have began doing some ideas on design sheets Being in the target sector of the brief I thought I could relate to this brief the best from the selction yet its prooving quite difficult as the brief is basically outlining what theyhave done to rebrand there mayonnaise! Therefore coming up with something promotional that hasnt been done before is quite difficult! I have began some artwork just start off my thinking proccess as I work much better with imagery I have started doing vectors of the produce which best goes with salad cream I am going to play around with composition and some packaging ideas with these to try spur some inspriation. I think I need to think of some imaginitive and quite outrageous ideas and then tone them down afterwards to really see where i could go with this.....Its all about the experience when tasting heinz and the fact it can go with any foods. 

Remembering a promotional technique from tomato ketchup was to colour the sauce green as a protional technique tapping into what people think they can see and what they are actually tasting ( same prduct) point is it got everybodying talking about the product1 WHICH IS WHAT WE WANT!! 

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